Environment Variables#

vLLM uses the following environment variables to configure the system:


Please note that VLLM_PORT and VLLM_HOST_IP set the port and ip for vLLM’s internal usage. It is not the port and ip for the API server. If you use --host $VLLM_HOST_IP and --port $VLLM_PORT to start the API server, it will not work.

All environment variables used by vLLM are prefixed with VLLM_. Special care should be taken for Kubernetes users: please do not name the service as vllm, otherwise environment variables set by Kubernetes might conflict with vLLM’s environment variables, because Kubernetes sets environment variables for each service with the capitalized service name as the prefix.

environment_variables: Dict[str, Callable[[], Any]] = {

    # ================== Installation Time Env Vars ==================

    # Target device of vLLM, supporting [cuda (by default),
    # rocm, neuron, cpu, openvino]
    lambda: os.getenv("VLLM_TARGET_DEVICE", "cuda"),

    # Maximum number of compilation jobs to run in parallel.
    # By default this is the number of CPUs
    lambda: os.getenv("MAX_JOBS", None),

    # Number of threads to use for nvcc
    # By default this is 1.
    # If set, `MAX_JOBS` will be reduced to avoid oversubscribing the CPU.
    lambda: os.getenv("NVCC_THREADS", None),

    # If set, vllm will use precompiled binaries (*.so)
    lambda: bool(os.environ.get("VLLM_USE_PRECOMPILED")),

    # CMake build type
    # If not set, defaults to "Debug" or "RelWithDebInfo"
    # Available options: "Debug", "Release", "RelWithDebInfo"
    lambda: os.getenv("CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE"),

    # If set, vllm will print verbose logs during installation
    lambda: bool(int(os.getenv('VERBOSE', '0'))),

    # Root directory for VLLM configuration files
    # Defaults to `~/.config/vllm` unless `XDG_CONFIG_HOME` is set
    # Note that this not only affects how vllm finds its configuration files
    # during runtime, but also affects how vllm installs its configuration
    # files during **installation**.
    lambda: os.path.expanduser(
            os.path.join(get_default_config_root(), "vllm"),

    # ================== Runtime Env Vars ==================

    # Root directory for VLLM cache files
    # Defaults to `~/.cache/vllm` unless `XDG_CACHE_HOME` is set
    lambda: os.path.expanduser(
            os.path.join(get_default_cache_root(), "vllm"),

    # used in distributed environment to determine the ip address
    # of the current node, when the node has multiple network interfaces.
    # If you are using multi-node inference, you should set this differently
    # on each node.
    lambda: os.getenv('VLLM_HOST_IP', "") or os.getenv("HOST_IP", ""),

    # used in distributed environment to manually set the communication port
    # Note: if VLLM_PORT is set, and some code asks for multiple ports, the
    # VLLM_PORT will be used as the first port, and the rest will be generated
    # by incrementing the VLLM_PORT value.
    # '0' is used to make mypy happy
    lambda: int(os.getenv('VLLM_PORT', '0'))
    if 'VLLM_PORT' in os.environ else None,

    # path used for ipc when the frontend api server is running in
    # multi-processing mode to communicate with the backend engine process.
    lambda: os.getenv('VLLM_RPC_BASE_PATH', tempfile.gettempdir()),

    # If true, will load models from ModelScope instead of Hugging Face Hub.
    # note that the value is true or false, not numbers
    lambda: os.environ.get("VLLM_USE_MODELSCOPE", "False").lower() == "true",

    # Instance id represents an instance of the VLLM. All processes in the same
    # instance should have the same instance id.
    lambda: os.environ.get("VLLM_INSTANCE_ID", None),

    # Interval in seconds to log a warning message when the ring buffer is full
    lambda: int(os.environ.get("VLLM_RINGBUFFER_WARNING_INTERVAL", "60")),

    # path to cudatoolkit home directory, under which should be bin, include,
    # and lib directories.
    lambda: os.environ.get("CUDA_HOME", None),

    # Path to the NCCL library file. It is needed because nccl>=2.19 brought
    # by PyTorch contains a bug: https://github.com/NVIDIA/nccl/issues/1234
    lambda: os.environ.get("VLLM_NCCL_SO_PATH", None),

    # when `VLLM_NCCL_SO_PATH` is not set, vllm will try to find the nccl
    # library file in the locations specified by `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`
    lambda: os.environ.get("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", None),

    # flag to control if vllm should use triton flash attention
    lambda: (os.environ.get("VLLM_USE_TRITON_FLASH_ATTN", "True").lower() in
             ("true", "1")),

    # If set, allowing the use of deprecated beam search implementation
    lambda: os.environ.get("VLLM_ALLOW_DEPRECATED_BEAM_SEARCH", "0") == "1",

    # Internal flag to enable Dynamo graph capture
    lambda: int(os.environ.get("VLLM_TEST_DYNAMO_GRAPH_CAPTURE", "0")),
    (os.environ.get("VLLM_DYNAMO_USE_CUSTOM_DISPATCHER", "True").lower() in
     ("true", "1")),

    # Internal flag to control whether we use custom op,
    # or use the native pytorch implementation
    lambda: int(os.environ.get("VLLM_TEST_COMPILE_NO_CUSTOM_OPS", "0")),

    # Internal flag to enable Dynamo fullgraph capture
    lambda: bool(
        os.environ.get("VLLM_TEST_DYNAMO_FULLGRAPH_CAPTURE", "1") != "0"),

    # local rank of the process in the distributed setting, used to determine
    # the GPU device id
    lambda: int(os.environ.get("LOCAL_RANK", "0")),

    # used to control the visible devices in the distributed setting
    lambda: os.environ.get("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES", None),

    # timeout for each iteration in the engine
    lambda: int(os.environ.get("VLLM_ENGINE_ITERATION_TIMEOUT_S", "60")),

    # API key for VLLM API server
    lambda: os.environ.get("VLLM_API_KEY", None),

    # S3 access information, used for tensorizer to load model from S3
    lambda: os.environ.get("S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID", None),
    lambda: os.environ.get("S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", None),
    lambda: os.environ.get("S3_ENDPOINT_URL", None),

    # Usage stats collection
    lambda: os.environ.get("VLLM_USAGE_STATS_SERVER", "https://stats.vllm.ai"),
    lambda: os.environ.get("VLLM_NO_USAGE_STATS", "0") == "1",
    lambda: (os.environ.get("VLLM_DO_NOT_TRACK", None) or os.environ.get(
        "DO_NOT_TRACK", None) or "0") == "1",
    lambda: os.environ.get("VLLM_USAGE_SOURCE", "production"),

    # Logging configuration
    # If set to 0, vllm will not configure logging
    # If set to 1, vllm will configure logging using the default configuration
    #    or the configuration file specified by VLLM_LOGGING_CONFIG_PATH
    lambda: int(os.getenv("VLLM_CONFIGURE_LOGGING", "1")),
    lambda: os.getenv("VLLM_LOGGING_CONFIG_PATH"),

    # this is used for configuring the default logging level
    lambda: os.getenv("VLLM_LOGGING_LEVEL", "INFO"),

    # Trace function calls
    # If set to 1, vllm will trace function calls
    # Useful for debugging
    lambda: int(os.getenv("VLLM_TRACE_FUNCTION", "0")),

    # Backend for attention computation
    # Available options:
    # - "TORCH_SDPA": use torch.nn.MultiheadAttention
    # - "FLASH_ATTN": use FlashAttention
    # - "XFORMERS": use XFormers
    # - "ROCM_FLASH": use ROCmFlashAttention
    # - "FLASHINFER": use flashinfer
    lambda: os.getenv("VLLM_ATTENTION_BACKEND", None),

    # If set, vllm will use flashinfer sampler
    lambda: bool(int(os.getenv("VLLM_USE_FLASHINFER_SAMPLER", "0"))),

    # Pipeline stage partition strategy
    lambda: os.getenv("VLLM_PP_LAYER_PARTITION", None),

    # (CPU backend only) CPU key-value cache space.
    # default is 4GB
    lambda: int(os.getenv("VLLM_CPU_KVCACHE_SPACE", "0")),

    # (CPU backend only) CPU core ids bound by OpenMP threads, e.g., "0-31",
    # "0,1,2", "0-31,33". CPU cores of different ranks are separated by '|'.
    lambda: os.getenv("VLLM_CPU_OMP_THREADS_BIND", "all"),

    # OpenVINO key-value cache space
    # default is 4GB
    lambda: int(os.getenv("VLLM_OPENVINO_KVCACHE_SPACE", "0")),

    # OpenVINO KV cache precision
    # default is bf16 if natively supported by platform, otherwise f16
    # To enable KV cache compression, please, explicitly specify u8
    lambda: os.getenv("VLLM_OPENVINO_CPU_KV_CACHE_PRECISION", None),

    # Enables weights compression during model export via HF Optimum
    # default is False
    lambda: bool(os.getenv("VLLM_OPENVINO_ENABLE_QUANTIZED_WEIGHTS", False)),

    # If the env var is set, then all workers will execute as separate
    # processes from the engine, and we use the same mechanism to trigger
    # execution on all workers.
    # Run vLLM with VLLM_USE_RAY_SPMD_WORKER=1 to enable it.
    lambda: bool(int(os.getenv("VLLM_USE_RAY_SPMD_WORKER", "0"))),

    # If the env var is set, it uses the Ray's compiled DAG API
    # which optimizes the control plane overhead.
    # Run vLLM with VLLM_USE_RAY_COMPILED_DAG=1 to enable it.
    lambda: bool(int(os.getenv("VLLM_USE_RAY_COMPILED_DAG", "0"))),

    # If the env var is set, it uses NCCL for communication in
    # Ray's compiled DAG. This flag is ignored if
    # VLLM_USE_RAY_COMPILED_DAG is not set.
    lambda: bool(int(os.getenv("VLLM_USE_RAY_COMPILED_DAG_NCCL_CHANNEL", "1"))

    # Use dedicated multiprocess context for workers.
    # Both spawn and fork work
    lambda: os.getenv("VLLM_WORKER_MULTIPROC_METHOD", "fork"),

    # Path to the cache for storing downloaded assets
    lambda: os.path.expanduser(
            os.path.join(get_default_cache_root(), "vllm", "assets"),

    # Timeout for fetching images when serving multimodal models
    # Default is 5 seconds
    lambda: int(os.getenv("VLLM_IMAGE_FETCH_TIMEOUT", "5")),

    # Timeout for fetching audio when serving multimodal models
    # Default is 5 seconds
    lambda: int(os.getenv("VLLM_AUDIO_FETCH_TIMEOUT", "5")),

    # Path to the XLA persistent cache directory.
    # Only used for XLA devices such as TPUs.
    lambda: os.path.expanduser(
            os.path.join(get_default_cache_root(), "vllm", "xla_cache"),
    lambda: int(os.getenv("VLLM_FUSED_MOE_CHUNK_SIZE", "32768")),

    # If set, vllm will skip the deprecation warnings.
    lambda: bool(int(os.getenv("VLLM_NO_DEPRECATION_WARNING", "0"))),

    # If set, the OpenAI API server will stay alive even after the underlying
    # AsyncLLMEngine errors and stops serving requests
    lambda: bool(os.getenv("VLLM_KEEP_ALIVE_ON_ENGINE_DEATH", 0)),

    # If the env var VLLM_ALLOW_LONG_MAX_MODEL_LEN is set, it allows
    # the user to specify a max sequence length greater than
    # the max length derived from the model's config.json.
    # To enable this, set VLLM_ALLOW_LONG_MAX_MODEL_LEN=1.
    (os.environ.get("VLLM_ALLOW_LONG_MAX_MODEL_LEN", "0").strip().lower() in
     ("1", "true")),

    # If set, forces FP8 Marlin to be used for FP8 quantization regardless
    # of the hardware support for FP8 compute.
    (os.environ.get("VLLM_TEST_FORCE_FP8_MARLIN", "0").strip().lower() in
     ("1", "true")),

    # Time in ms for the zmq client to wait for a response from the backend
    # server for simple data operations
    lambda: int(os.getenv("VLLM_RPC_TIMEOUT", "10000")),

    # a list of plugin names to load, separated by commas.
    # if this is not set, it means all plugins will be loaded
    # if this is set to an empty string, no plugins will be loaded
    lambda: None if "VLLM_PLUGINS" not in os.environ else os.environ[

    # Enables torch profiler if set. Path to the directory where torch profiler
    # traces are saved. Note that it must be an absolute path.
    lambda: (None if os.getenv("VLLM_TORCH_PROFILER_DIR", None) is None else os
             .path.expanduser(os.getenv("VLLM_TORCH_PROFILER_DIR", "."))),

    # If set, vLLM will use Triton implementations of AWQ.
    lambda: bool(int(os.getenv("VLLM_USE_TRITON_AWQ", "0"))),

    # If set, allow loading or unloading lora adapters in runtime,
    (os.environ.get("VLLM_ALLOW_RUNTIME_LORA_UPDATING", "0").strip().lower() in
     ("1", "true")),